Before you enter…
You are entering a site that is meant to be fun, created as a way to share the love of toilet humor at its finest while also spreading joy amongst the veteran community.
Things you should know before entering:
The site and social media are run by a Marine Corps veteran.
This is not a money making venture. I do this out of the kindness of my dear little heart, to inspire you all to get out into nature, snap a photo or two, and share in our collective humor and healing journeys.
You will see potentially offensive things, specifically crude drawings of phalluses on rocks.
No real cocks/phalli/penises will be shown on this site or any related social media.
Don’t send me a picture of your actual penis, boobs, vagina, sexual images, etc. I will send it to my local law enforcement agency in a way that will make it a publicly available record. Then I will tell people how to put in a request for that record. What they do with that record is none of my business, my concern, or even my problem. It’s out of my hands at that point. Like I say below, I may have a life and a job outside of this, but I also set aside quality time for tomfoolery.
The above being said, photos of your cock rock in the wild, and phallic artwork found in the wilds (graffiti, outhouses, bathroom stalls, etc) are acceptable. I would like to jazz up this site a bit and would love to use the photographic skills of the Cock Rocks Collective.
The rocks are free, including shipping to wherever you may be. They are made in small batches. I’m still figuring out the process. They take time to create. I have a life and job outside of this. If you complain in a manner unbecoming, I won’t send you one.
The rocks are not edible, are not toys, and are especially not sex toys. They should not be put into any orifice. They should be treated with dignity and respect.
This site and related social media in no way represents the views of the United States Department of Defense, or is any way associated with it.